Saturday, November 27, 2010

turkey vs tofurkey: the battle rages on

Thanksgiving is always a delightful time of year for various reasons. I get to eat lots of delicious vegetables (& usually a tofurkey, but this year i was too busy to buy myself one), drink mimosas and wine at anytime of the day, spend time with my crazy crazy crazy family, and listen to all the absurd comments that leave their mouths. I seriously should carry a pen and pad around with me at all times during these holiday get-togethers so not one comment will go undocumented.

......For instance, we all went to Abuelo's for dinner last night and my mom and dad talked for quite some time about how they've been to nude beaches, partaken in the nudity, and how much they've enjoyed it. Now, yes, I do love being in my birthday suit (what fool doesn't?), and have indeed taken part in the cultural norm of basking in the sun topless while I was in Spain, but I don't talk about it at dinner... haha.. I leave that up to mis padres. Then my dad topped off the conversation by saying that he loves being naked so much that he's naked underneath his clothes all day, every day. Yes. Score. Conversation=Success.

I attended a lovely hour and a half Bikram Yoga class this morning... Bikram meaning it's rather toasty hot during the class and ya sweat your [insert choice word] off.

I did some of this: the crow.

and some of this:

and then of course a little of this: .....PSYCHE. hehehe no way. not ever.

I explored community thrift store on 23rd street today. oh how i love that place. Iwandered the isles admiring the ridiculously low prices on the outdated (itchy looking) sweaters and puffy sleeved dresses. I witnessed one of the most hideously colorful itchy-looking sweaters on the face of the earth and was so very tempted to purchase it just to say that i now owned the most hideously colorful itchy-looking sweater on the face of the earth, but I forced myself to walk away. One of my deepest darkest secrets (okay maybe that was a bit exaggerated) is that I love bargains and buying hilarious items that serve no purpose but to make me laugh... so when those 2 loves are combined the outcome could be fatal (okay, another exaggeration). I did end up buying more than I should have, but most of the items purchased will end up being cut and sewed back together in such a fashion that (hopefully) nobody will ever know it was once a 1970s high-waisted, fluffy shouldered easter dress.

similar to the most hideously colorful itchy-looking sweater that I was tempted to buy:

(but not nearly as colorful or itchy-looking)

I bought a beverage from Starbucks this week for the first time in probably 2 or 3 months. It was tasty. Expensive.. but very tasty. i wish my crappy, garage sale espresso machine would make such drinks. but that is wishful thinking indeeeeed! my tastebuds never once have laughed and danced at the taste of my espresso. oh bother!

I think my dogs could keep me entertained for days upon end. All 5 of them. My family has an army of canines.

Why do some birds hop and some birds walk?

i'd hate to be a walkerbird in a hopscotch competition with a hopperbird. just sayin'.

Speaking of birds, I had a dream last night that I could fly... but only up to about 9 feet in the air.. just enough to get to a tree branch. I'm going to read into this one and try to decipher it.

I also dreamed that I went to a video store (yes.. VHS) and had to climb really high on the shelves to get to the movies I wanted, but everytime I reached them and opened up the case there would not be a movie inside, but rather little trinkets, odd ends, or small books. Hmmmmmmm............ in-tuh-westing.

ciao bellas.